Wednesday, September 1, 2010

“teachers who are willing to establish ties with students discover new depths of truth each day...”

1a. On page 10 of this reading assignment, Tomlinson states that “teachers who are willing to establish ties with students discover new depths of truth each day...” What does this mean to you?

To me this means that as teachers we need to take the time to know and understand our students. By doing this we gain great knowledge from them. Each student has different memories and needs. They can teach so many things that we our selves would never think of. Also students wont tell you what is wrong with there lives if they don't have a connection with you. I mean honestly why would they tell us deep dark secrets if they didn't really know us or feel that we cared about them. I don't normally tell people that I don't know very well my secrets and why should we think our students will.

As we become closer to our students we will gain such a unity in the classroom that they will feel comfortable share things and trying new ideas. Because of this our classrooms will have new depths to them.

1 comment:

  1. The comfort of unity gives courage to risk and try new things. I could thrive in that classroom.
