Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September 8, 2009

Today was just another amazing adventure. I really did learn a lot and appreciate the way that she helped us. The journal really is a great way to keep notes and grow in and of ourselves. It alowes us a place to collect and gather differenct ways to us art in our future classrooms. They don't always have to be that big of a deal but the little things always seem to help and make a difference. For instance just doing the mirror game was so much fun. It really did show and teach us about eachother. For instance we were able to disscuss the importance of eye contact. I loved that just because I was able to apply it into what I am already doing at work. It really does make a difference becasue it shows the person that you care and are listening to waht they have to say. Then the one with our name was great! I honestly think that it helped me to learn new peoples names. I really am bad at names but that was a great help. Because now I can apply their names to a face and an action. This class really is helping us all grow into becoming a closer group. the last game that we played was "who started the movement". This one really helps to reiniciate names. You get to say the different peoples name and try to hide who is chosing the different movements. These three different activities really show how you can add a game to make a class go by and become so enjoyable. The next thing that we did was separate into groups and answer questions from or reading assignment. I really liked this simply becasue it allowed us to disscuss with someone something that you had learned. It really has been a great experience being in the class.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Day of Class

The first day of class was really interesting. Just coming from one class I thought that I would walk into the classroom and it would be just like it was for all the other classes that I take in it. But having the tables rearranged and put into a different way really lightened up and opened the room. the music playing in the background made it so that I wanted to be there and learning. Having an assignment right there to start the class with was great. We were given the assignment the moment we walked in the room and we all just got started without really trying to. I loved all the different pictures on the board and then the one about her family. It almost made it seem like we were really getting to know each other and making a connection. I loved when we got split up into the groups based by the color that we were. It really helps to know the different types of students that we will be in contact with and how we need to interact with them. Then having us all sit in a circle and saying our name with a different word attached was fun. It helped to really gain a better understanding of the different individuals in the classroom. I have to say though is that the movie that was shown at the end was really touching. We are all different and as teachers we need to recognize this and learn to reach out to all different types of students. We don't want to lose one that we could have helped. I really thought this class was amazing. She helped bring us all together and have a unity that I hadn't really felt before.